Chemical removal of paint

Removing paint, coating or plasticizer

Organic substance is used for chemical removal of the coating in the rims, in case of cold and hot removal of the paint. When removing the paint with chemicals there is no damage to the base material metal; iron, steel and aluminium.

Chemical removal of paint is not to be compared to blasting, which leaves the surface very coarse. Chemical removal of paint is a step forward to getting a high gloss on the rims.

The process of chemical removal of varnish stands for the process that dissolves paint-varnish on the rims or some parts of the rims. The varnish-paint is removed with hot or cold organic mixture - solvent. It dissolves hardened lacquer on the rims, coated metal parts, steel and aluminium. Chemical removal of varnish is not the same as blasting where the surface remains rough.

After the process of chemical removal of varnish the surface remains clean for the next step of obtaining a high gloss on smooth surfaces.